Thursday, June 18, 2009

Seeing the Forest thru the trees

(Photo courtesy of Suzanne Fogarty )

This little guy is Forest....Forest I did not spell that wrong. His name is really Forest Jump...I know because I named him. I named him because right behind him is his mother...who belongs to me.

For several months last year, when I was undergoing radiation, my dear friend Ruth very kindly agreed to take Holly. Holly and Ruth both were surprised one day by a visit from the neighbor's stallion.. (while the neighbor was away.) His visit required him to jump a few fences....hence the name.

It took 11 long months of waiting but he finally arrived....he arrived to the sound of crickets and frogs and warm night air and the soft nickers of his new friends in the barn that have been waiting too.

He is a friendly, social, curious, stunning colt who LOVES to have his hiney scratched and if you are standing just right, he will gladly return the favor.

I love little Forest...I really love was a long wait but I was able to "see" Forest thru the trees...the trees of more radiation, two failed medicines, countless scans, and many many failed IV's....

Thru the months I thought of Forest... and hoped for Forest. There was hope with Forest....hope for his health, for Holly's health and for my health so I could be there to see him come in to this world.

Forest're awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I like the story behind Forests name, brilliant. And glad that you have all seen each other also.
    Hope todays a good one.
