Friday, February 26, 2010

a long day

I figure a long day deserves two posts. My roommate really is a sweet gal and now that all her guests have left it's pretty quiet in here...except for the excavator and jackhammer right outside the window...but I am just calling that white noise until they break through the wall. Oops Lasix break.Ok, I'm back...
so... the clock says 1400 hours (for the homeschooling moms)my nurses are so great...that is one of the main reasons I come here...they smile and laugh and serve...joyfully....I want to serve joyfully too...but maybe at a latte is one of my strengths...bedpans are not...nor is spelling...or sewing....or lifting heavy objects...
Anywho, I thought that with everyone gone..I would nap a bit....but my tiny,frail,elderly roommate beat me to the punch and began snoring like an approaching freight train. oh well...I will serve her joyfully by not hollering at her or smacking her like I do my husband when he snores....besides that she just had heart surgery....which pretty much rules out hollering or smacking
Only 100 more hours to go...just only feels like that.


Just sitting here having a blood transfusion...all was well until my roommate elderly gal with heart issues...thank goodness...she'll be nice and quiet...that is until her sister and her sister's husband came for a LOOOOONG visit...
However, I think they should have stopped at the marriage counselor first and then the complaint counter for a while before coming here. They are trouble stirrers for sure...and my blood pressure is now on the rise. Oh my they have switched to they are trying to figure out the origin of a word they have never heard before...this is so not killing cancer cells...oh my here comes the Lasix....thank goodness that in a few minutes I will be able to escape to the "ladies"..maybe I will hide in there while I get the next unit of blood...oh my now we are on the Dracula book from book club. Whoa another visitor... Help me Rhonda! OOPS the Lasix is right back....oh now they are soliciting for a place for some homeless people to live...yikes...waiting for second unit of blood...been here since 9am..clock says 12:50...blood takes about two hours...think I will order some lunch...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

IV butterflies and transfusions

This needle is called a looks like a butterfly....but often times I wonder about whether or not the medical profession gives icky things happy names so you won't think about how icky they really are.
Right now I am sitting in the IV chair having treatment. I started the appointment with lab work and they used a butterfly.. then I spoke with the Dr.and then I got a shot in my tummy and then they started the IV....well let me clarify...they tried to start the IV. Butterfly #1 went in and my veins revolted...butterfly #2 went in and my veins dried up...butterfly #3went in and all the blood went to my other arm. Butterfly #4 went in and then out the other side of my vein..oops. Finally butterfly #5 found success...yipee...I am taking out my sharpie and marking that spot for tomorrow's blood transfusion. What?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Strange side effects

In a previous post I told you about the chemo pills I was taking. The pills have a few odd side being Hand and Foot Syndrome....I talked about that too in an earlier post.

Today I am on day 9 of 14 of round 4 with the chemo pills. The H&F syndrome seems to be worse than it has been but with big globs of bag balm and disgusting foot sanders and band aids and gloves and avoiding anything hot (I'm talking temperature...not my husband or the new guy on Human Target)things seem do-able.

Another side effect has arisen now and I am calling it Wetsuit Syndrome.
It makes everything I touch feel like I am wearing a wetsuit. It is so pants feel like a wetsuit, my shirt feels like a wetsuit, my arms and legs feel like a wetsuit, even the keyboard feels like a wetsuit.

I wonder what's next?! Webbed feet?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Is everyone asleep? No one has sent in any of their favorite things... : (

Well are a few more of mine


fine point sharpie pens

white noise

puffy baby cheeks

iced coffee

When Wentworth says to Anne Elliot "You pierce my soul, I am half agony and half hope. I have loved none but you"

Pumpkin butter from Williams Sanoma

I'm Alive by Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews

Monday, February 22, 2010

My weekend

This is Mr. Messy. He has lived in several of my closets over the past few can hear him at night (if your husband stops snoring long enough)....I have never actually seen him, but I sure see the piles of shoes, boxes of "I better save these" and "the 80's called again and they really want their sequined sweater back:)" he leaves behind. Evidently 37 scarves is not enough?!

Enter SUPER MOM..........Super mom unhooked, detangled, dumped, sorted, color coded, categorized, lifted, dug and arranged for two days....while I sat in bed with a heating pad on my back watching the Olympics. Super mom even paid for lunch and dinner and lunch. I LOVE super mom.
Now that Mr Messy is out:

Mr Clean is in. I am very attracted to Mr Clean....Mr Clean lives at my mom's house most of the time....I don't think Dad knows but I am sure he is grateful! I am very thankful that mom let him out of the house for the weekend...Mr Clean that is....Dad, is welcome to come and go as he pleases in case you were unsure about that...

FYI....clean closets kill cancer cells!!!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I have been thinking about how important it is that you say I Love You while you can...Those are words that no one can ever get tired of hearing...unless of course you stand next to your "loved one" and say I love you I love you I love you I love you without stopping for 1 hour and 42.5 seconds....then you are officially annoying.

But along with the thought above...I began to think about things I love....Not too many people leave comments after they read my blog....I LOVE if you want, and you DO want, after I write part of my list, write and tell me some things you love...

Ok, here is part of my list:
The smell of fresh ground coffee
horse breath
camp fires
teens who listen
fresh ripe peaches
irreverent humor
Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy
Knotting Hill
Kiefer Sutherland's voice
birds singing
My son calling olives ovals

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have committed to cleaning my closet today....well I have committed to having my mom clean my closet is beauty lies in the TRUE story after all.....but because I can lift a small stack of papers that I found, I decided to get a head start and go through them.
In the pile I found several poems I wrote and submitted to a publisher...they were eventually published in a beautiful coffee table book...

Here is a sample...

Two lives that exist with no earth to live on,
Two souls fall hand in hand from the sky,
Breath began with a kiss now it’s memory we live on
Needing no explanation for why.

Will eternity pass before it feels like one day?
Have our hearts been forever here?
The moon and the sun dance with us for fun,
For time is not marked by the year.

There is exquisite pain in the glances exchanged
For both lives do exist side by side,
Caught breath, eyes shut tight, no surrender to might,
Inhale the scent of your incoming tide.

The veil in between measured in depth of a dream
Either by day or by night.
Ecstasy found that it’s truth is not bound by reality, darkness or light.

And then there is this...

A candle burns, a flame so small,
Cast long shadows on the wall

Was it all in my suppose?
A flame that's small in imagination grows?

Or was this flame a burning fire?
Raging passion, lit desire?

The light by which I saw the world,
Altered heart against it's will.

Truant love it soon became,
Nor has it ere been found again.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rolling over

Last night was a milestone of sorts I guess. I tried to remember how long ago it was really, when the back pain started. It has been 3 years ago at least.

The pain got so bad that I was unable to roll over in bed. If I wanted to lay on my side...which really was my only option...I had to get up and walk around to the other side of the bed and make Chad move over so I could lay down....repeat....

After my diagnosis, I slept on my back in a hospital bed for a few months.....laying on my side was too painful.

I have now been in a normal bed for about 1.5 years and last night I rolled over in bed for the first time since 2007. Ok, I think I am going to's a big deal...for means there is progress, that normal-ish events such as these may be in my future...
"The road is loooong....with many a winding turn...that leads to who knows where, who knows where..."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Coconut Cupcakes

I love coconut and I love cupcakes and I love Carolyn...and today is Carolyn's birthday! One of the reasons I love Carolyn (and believe me there are hundred's of reasons to choose from) but one of the reasons is because she wants to celebrate her birthday by eating a coconut cupcake with me in exactly one hour.

This is one of the days that I am feeling better. Sometimes on those days I am not sure what to do...I am often afraid of over doing it...but I think celebrating Carolyn's birthday kills cancer cells....I believe there is documentation somewhere that states that...and very good for you:

"People from many diverse cultures, languages, and races scattered around the globe have revered the coconut as a valuable source of both food and medicine. Wherever the coconut palm grows the people have learned of its importance as a effective medicine. For thousands of years coconut products have held a respected and valuable place in local folk medicine.

In traditional medicine around the world coconut is used to treat a wide variety of health problems including the following: abscesses, asthma, baldness, bronchitis, bruises, burns, colds, constipation, cough, dropsy, dysentery, earache, fever, flu, gingivitis, gonorrhea, irregular or painful menstruation, jaundice, kidney stones, lice, malnutrition, nausea, rash, scabies, scurvy, skin infections, sore throat, swelling, syphilis, toothache, tuberculosis, tumors, typhoid, ulcers, upset stomach, weakness, and wounds."

Seeeeee...what did I tell you?! Huh? See, now if you have scabies or scurvy you will know what to are welcome! But just as a side note....please don't share any of that info with me...I don't know what scabies are but it sounds gross so please keep that one on the down they used to say last year...or was it two years ago...anyway I have to go and eat me a coconut cupcake with Carolyn!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Velentine's Day

Please, don't anyone miss the chance to say I LOVE YOU today! Say it to your dog, your kids, your spouse, your neighbor's and friends, the grocery clerk, your horses, the policeman who pulls you over because you were hurrying home to say I love you to someone. You never know what tomorrow holds , but today you can say SAY IT!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I mentioned the other day about going to a hair appointment....kind of a combination consultation, cut-ish, counseling, humiliating, semi pointless appointment.
It was all of the above.
We consulted a little, cut a little, I was humiliated a little, and it was a little less than semi-pointless.
Things looked better on the way home though it was still hidden under the wig. I think most of all it helped me feel a bit feminine again....not so much like a science project. That should be good for something I would think.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This morning I am so humbled. Wow I spelled humbled right the first time...yay me!
Words are kind of escaping me which is very rare I must say....
There is a passage in The Message Eph 3:20 that says...
"God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams. He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us."
I experienced that today...I have been frantically trying to find a good home for where he was loved and taught and given a purpose...secretly too I wanted to be able to go see him as he grew....I have such a crush on that boy it is ridiculous. Wow I am a spelling machine today...said the dyslexic to herself.

3 wonderful,amazing,fabulous women have called in the past 48 hours. The first is someone I met several years ago. Our paths crossed when we would happen to be working with, riding, or feeding our horses at the same time. She moved her horses to another pasture a few years ago and we have not talked much since then. Well she offered, out of the blue, to help with Forest...She offered to pick him up,care for him, train him to have basic manners with the halter and lead rope and to stand still etc..also to have the vet come out to geld him (sorry ladies...he's gorgeous I know but it's gotta be done.)

The next phone call was from my dear friend Ruth. She and her husband Jeff have spent time discussing lovable Forest and decided that they would like to have him!
When she told me my tear ducts went into overdrive. I love Ruth...I love Jeff...I love Forest...and I am so happy that they want him..after all, he was conceived in their back yard last year!

Then the 3rd call came last night....a very wonderful friend here in Anacortes...this woman has a schedule you wouldn't believe. She is caring for her invalid mother, she has twin boys(13) who are incredibly active in sports..she has a special needs daughter in her 20's who lives at home and doesn't drive...she has two horses that need her attention and two goats who want her attention and two dogs that sometimes forget to use the "outside" and two cats that keep her on her toes. She is also dealing with her own health issues as well...and she calls ME last night and offers to trailer Forest to Ruth's house...across the soon as he is ready to go.

I am so humbled, so thankful, so amazed, so speechless-ish.....far more than I could have asked or imagined.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I swear

It is a different era we live in...evidently it is ok for kindergardeners to talk like Ralphie in "A Christmas Story" when he helps his dad change the tire. Remember that scene?

Well my daughter said something last night that went straight to my soul. This lead to phrases like....GET DOWN HERE! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW! YOU KNOW WHAT FOR?

Which then lead to this:

Which will ultimately lead to this:

I don't like what happened last night...I took a muscle relaxer last night for my "back"...seriously I did...ask my mom...anyway, I woke up with a list of things I shouldn 't have "GET OUT"...probably shouldn't have said that.
Either way, there is today to try and do something about it..

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Doing something with my hands

I would love to do something with my hands since I have to stay off my feet to allow my knees to that's a lot of body parts. I really want to learn to crochet. Not the grandma kind but the scarf kind. Something that requires very little thought because very little thoughts require very little thinking and that is right up my alley right now.
I have a how to book, and I have looked on You Tube but it seems I am not as smart as I look. I need a crochet tutor.
So the quest is on to find a teacher of the lost art of crochet.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Crazy horsey love

I just can't stand it....I'm in love!

He is so handsome isn't he?!

Forest Jump Forest...Forest meet world.
This is my baby Forest Jump. He is part Tennessee Walker and part Akhal Teke. He is beautiful. I was there when he was born..I watched it was beautifully gross.
I named him Forest Jump because his dad had to jump several fences to get to his mom...but I am glad he went to the effort.
Now it's time for Forest to find a new home. Oops..just a sec...let me find a tissue..sniff sniff...
If you know of a young girl who wants to fall instantly in love with a "boy" without any of those awkward relationship consequences...or one who swoons at the smell of baby horse breath, hay, and leather...please let me know...I want to make a girls dream come see Forest is's part of my new perspective on giving despite my circumstances.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thank you for the gifts

I wasn't planning on writing anything today. There is a spot next to my shoulder blade that is very painful...combine that with my knees and that adds up to the very small "big" pill. The big pill makes me sleepy and brings my synapses to a screeching halt. I took the big pill so I could get in the car and drive 10 minutes to the hair salon. Yes, the hair salon. I decided yesterday that it was "time"...time to look at the hair situation...more about that later.

After running 1 errand, picking up my daughter and driving her to feed the horses, I was "done"...drained, pooped..then there was a tap on the door...a wonderful, precious, generous woman, who spends her days giving to others...walked through the door with dinner...not only that but she stayed and we talked and laughed...she listened as I told her about my sore muscles and my dream of the massage I am not allowed to have...boy did she listen...she listened and she GAVE. She gave me the gift of an endless massage. A woman who spends her life giving, gave to me and I cried. I want to be her, I want to be that way...I want to give despite my day and my circumstances.
Thank you Kathie for your gift(s).

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tears and fire

I woke up today and within 5 minutes I was crying. The day started awful...continued awful and remains awful to this very hour.
I was amazed to find this picture and I will tell you why. Every other week, thanks to my very generous and wonderful aunt and uncle, someone comes to clean the house. Normally I leave and get out of the way, but today I didn't. My knees hurt, my feet were burning, I was tired and there was stuff to do on the computer....also I had been crying for several hours by then and that just is not a good look.

Well, after knocking stuff off the wall in the hallway, leaving several area rugs in a pile on the floor in my bedroom, and not dusting anything within 10ft of the computer and the desk it sits on.....the girls left.

Then there was this burned meat....since I am long past offering burnt sacrifices in my house I was curious as to the smell. I turned around and something in the kitchen was...well...on fire. I hobbled to the sink, soaked a towel in water and threw it over the burning bag of potatoes set off by the indoor grill which was turned ON by one of the cleaning gals just before she left.
I am not quite sure what this gal had for breakfast before she showed up, or if it was Mojito Monday, but she coulda burned my house down and that would have officially made it a bad day.