Thursday, June 18, 2009


The third time is a charm so "they" say. I think this saying started in the early 1800's and it referred to the death penalty...if they tried to hang you three times and it didn't work, then you were set free. What does that have to do with me you ask? Absolutley you can all say that you have learned something by reading this!
So these past few days have been quite hard for me. Hope, after first hearing of the cancer, is easier to muster I have learned. After the initial "blow" you get your gear on and prepare to fight this thing...the hope is right there, that you will win this battle and all will be well again......Taa-Daa! Then you find cancer won round you go back to your corner, wipe your brow, spit, and wait for the bell to ring for round two. It's a little tough at first but you feel the surge again...."this is it, we got it now!" and you come out swinging again. This time you get a solid blow to the gut and cancer wins round two. You stumble back to your corner and there is a little blood , lots of sweat, and you're tired. The previous blows have taken their toll and round 3 seems so much more overwhelming......there is a spec of hope somewhere inside, but I believe it is more the will to live than hope itself.

You blow on it, add more tinder, blow some more and hope it will return to the flame it once was all those months ago...but it just doesn't smolders thick and dark. So you look around you, try hard to find reason to believe there is still hope out there, that it is more than just you trying to think positive....and then you read the story of the bones......

Out on the the scorching sun are bones....a lot of bones. They are seperated and strewn everywhere, bleached by the sun. God says, "watch this I will bring you life" The bones began to rustle and come together....then muscles and skin and finally breath. There stood an army.

I don't think you can have less hope then after you have died, the vultures have picked you clean, your bones have seperated and you are strewn all over the desert......I think hope pretty much stops there.......but NO it doesn't.....
That is what I have learned by reading this.


  1. Yes that is a brilliant story, saying you are right, it is never the end.
    I hope you don't mind me gate crashing your blog Laurajane - I'll crash out if you'd prefer.
