Monday, June 15, 2009

Jennifer Garner and my class reunion

It's amazing what you can do in a few hours sleep....last night I was in a movie with Jennifer Garner, at some sort of class reunion, and I moved into several different houses trying to avoid having any feelings of anxiety. The last one is kinda wierd but pretty self expalnatory.....or is it explainitory, I don't know where the spell check is on this computer.

Anyway, in every one of the dreams I was trying to avoid something...and in the class reunion dream I was in a hospital gown and was embarassed to get out of the hospital bed I was it wasn't already obvious...

I woke up from every one of them with a knot in my stomach and funny feelings in my legs, like when you are afraid of heights. Jennifer Garner is very nice as it turns out tho'...just in case you were wondering.

I don't know if the dreams are anxiety based (ya think?) or from the radiation beam to the head or a little or lot of both. I am thankful for the sleep but when you have done that much in one night you don't really wake up rested.

This "go round" is a bit harder for me mentally, emotionally, spiritually.....the supernatural happens on a daily basis and thank God it does....we are a sorry lot for the most part and I am so thankful for grace in the daily stuff...the hug from the technician who does my IV was one of those times...she dropped everything that was in her hands right to the scattered hither and yon, and she threw her arms around me and gave me a hug that only your mother's aunt Mabel can give and told me she was praying for me every day. That was a healing moment...I think for a split second the cancer stopped or maybe a few cells shriveled up and died. I am thankful for that moment.

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