Friday, October 15, 2010

Coffee.....the juice of life

Today I learned that people in the U.S. receive most of their antioxidants from coffee. Scientists are saying that a serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than a typical serving of blueberries, grape juice, raspberries, or oranges. A cup of coffee contains up to four times as much antioxidant activity as a cup of green tea. Can I hear an AMEN..cuz' green tea tastes like the grass in my front yard...not that I have ever eaten the grass in my front yard.

Antioxidants protect people from free radicals produced in the body and in the environment and our diets.
Scientists are finding that drinking coffee makes it possible to postpone or prevent many degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease cataracts, and diseases of the nervous system.
Chlorogenic acid is the main poly phenol in coffee, but there are others too. A Japanese study of 61,000 people found that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop liver cancer than those who don't drink it. To that I say bottoms up!
Caffeic acid, which I have never heard of, is another poly phenol found in coffee that has been shown to protect cells from oxidation. Caffeic acid works together with the cholorogenic acid to protect cerebral neurons, promote cell differentiation, and normalize colon function. Can I hear another AMEN!
The combination has been found effective at stopping cell proliferation and causing cell death in breast cancer cells...AMEN and HALLELUJAH.

This blog was written in all my own it wasn't...I just wanted to appear smarter today because my brain is offically fried from these last 10 treatments...and all the carbon monoxide from the miles and miles of driving....ok that's not true either..or maybe it could be...I have no idea. But in my defense I have traveled 1,400 miles these past two weeks.

So Viva Cafe' as they say...and fill your day with caffeic acid and may you be better for it. As for's a Punkin' spiced latte day!

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