Friday, January 15, 2010

Mom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's easily assumed that when someone has cancer, their days are filled with Dr.'s appointments, prescriptions and treatments...which they are. We are aware that along with this, there is often fatigue, pain, nausea and mobility issues. What is overlooked I think, on occasion...and not by you of that there is real life to deal with as well.

This morning I woke to high winds which blew our recycle bin over, a sick cat that peed on my daughters chair and a son that needed to stay home from school.
Then there was the teenager begging to drive to school because two days ago she got her permit and truly believes she could school everyone in the art of skill behind the wheel. This is evidently based on her total of 8 minutes driving experience.
As I explained why I was choosing for her not to drive in the rain, in the dark, with hundreds of parents dropping off hundreds of kids all dressed in black darting across roads and parking lots...I was informed that she had done things in her driving experience that I had "never ever done before in my life". That must have been some 8 minutes!

Then there is dinner, laundry, bills, grocery, bank, get gas, change oil, let the dog out, shower shampoo and shine (does anyone else remember that?)and on and on.

I am thankful that I can still do most of these things. I may not do them well or quickly, but I can do them. I am thankful for sick cats and drivers ed because it means I am alive and I have the opportunity to smile and hope and other stuff.

That's all...I just wanted to tell you that.

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