Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It was really windy last night. If you live anywhere north, south, east, or west of Seattle then you know what I mean. Do you have a wind story from last night? And if you live south of Seattle, you may even have an earthquake story as well.

Here is my wind story.....I slept. Now wait a minute, it is so a story. It's a story because I am usually scared to death of wind. Wind has a mind of it's own...kinda. So as it was the first windstorm I had to go through "alone", I had to somehow make friends with the wind in order to relax.

So what is good about the wind...well, it dries things out if they need drying, it scatters all sorts of seeds to bloom in the spring...it proliferates

pro·lif·er·ate   /prəˈlɪfəˌreɪt/

–verb (used without object), verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
1. to grow or produce by multiplication of parts, as in budding or cell division, or by procreation.
2. to increase in number or spread rapidly and often excessively.

Homeschoolers, please use proliferate in a sentence. then you can go ask your mom what procreation means.

The other reason wind is good, is that it's a good reminder that we really don't have any control...that what happens on a day to day basis is not really up to us...if you really think about it...could you have stopped the wind last night? If you just answered "yes" to that question, please contact your local meteorologist so they can pass this information on to the world at large in order to stop tornadoes and hurricanes and the like...your knowledge would be greatly appreciated I am sure.
If not, like for me, it is a good reminder that our lives are not under our control.

Ok, never mind what I just said...I probably just slept because I hadn't slept well for the past few nights and I was exhauseted. Even still it would be a good idea to make friends with the one who tells the wind when and where to blow.

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