Friday, November 5, 2010

It is a Wonderful Life

It's that you feel it? I started Christmas shopping yesterday. The weather is officially changing, the clocks change tomorrow and our life seems to change with each day.

My son is all about family traditions during the holidays. That makes it tough on my "mommy" heart. We are making a few changes that seem like they will help. Joe has asked to take responsibility for the Christmas Tree so I have turned all things "tree" over to him. My daughter isn't quite as vocal about the traditions but she did make out her Christmas just said "Pit bull"....hmmmm

As for me, I have been thinking about the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." It speaks to me this year more than ever before.

Laurie's movie review blog: This movie is about someone who is unhappy about the trials in his life. He is given the opportunity to see it from another perspective and he comes to realize that it was those very trials that made his life what it was.... a "Wonderful Life".

I see that happening all around me....I see that happening with me. Life doesn't always turn out the way we plan it....but in the trials our perspective changes. We begin to see what is really important in life...what makes our life a "Wonderful Life" despite our circumstances.

My heart and my perspective have changed a great deal. I am like George Bailey. I know now what I wish I had known all along..... It really is a "Wonderful Life".

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