Monday, November 8, 2010

Change the atmosphere

In this cancer experience I am doing things I have never done before. Lots of those things are rather unpleasant. It seemed that after an unpleasant experience, I had an unpleasant attitude...and I felt crummy the rest of the day. Now, in my defense, if after 12 tries the nurse can't get an IV started,it would be natural for me to feel crummy...crummy to the point of crabby...which everyone knows leads to grumpy at the very least....then grumpy to teary and teary to the shower and the shower to pajamas and so on.

I don't like that. I don't like crummy or crabby or grumpy...I do like pajamas but who doesn't? So I have implemented a new plan....well it's not all that's new-ish.... it's called being really really nice.
I find that when you walk in a room, and you start with the whole really really nice thing...the atmosphere in the room begins to change....things become less crummy and by the time it is over, crummy has turned to tolerable and maybe even doable or even semi-pleasant.
So next time you are facing an undesirable task be nice to everyone around you and you may be surprised by the outcome.
( disclaimer )This includes being nice to even those who are not nice to you.

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