Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The three things

I hope everyone had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. It was cold-ish and rainy here but it was nice to have the time with the kids and no schedules.

So I was thinking today that I would explain more about those three experiences I had. I am just not exactly sure how to do it. I just keep wishing that the words would flow from my brain to my fingertips and it would be clear and bright with a bit of funny and sweet mixed in.

Ok, well, the other day I was at the pasture loving on the horses and I looked down and saw a few of those little tiny daisies in the grass. This made of think of that dream I had where I was on my tummy in the grass..which then made me think of the other two things and suddenly it dawned on me (ok so I am little slow) "This isn't three separate things...it's one BIG thing." All three of these events were to essentially tell me how to go on in life and in the circumstances I am in.
I could give the answer away right now but I want to hear what you think...I am doing this out of curiosity, to get to know you all better, and to really confirm to myself that I am not crazy. So I will just sit hear and wait to hear from you...I am a little hungry and kinda have to use the bathroom so if you come up with something in the next few minutes that would be awesome.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record, I don't think you are crazy. I have had similar experiences--when I needed them most. I think Jesus--having been human and being God--is very sympathetic to our limitations. So just when we need it most (or even when we don't, but so that we can store it up for when we do), He gives us a glimpse behind the curtain of our earthly existence.
