Thursday, March 18, 2010


I am really struggling with doubt right now. A few things have happened recently and I really should be thinking differently about them. It would be easier and make more sense to you if I could just blurt them out, but I can't....those "things" are currently in the witness protection program. Hopefully they will be released next week but one never knows.

Doubt is a strange thing. You can doubt yourself, you can doubt other can even double doubt. For example..."I doubt this doubting is going to help me in the long run."

Doubt can be a lifesaver at times...."I doubt this very thin branch will hold me as I slide to it's thinest part to take this amazing shot looking down into the Grand Canyon." Which proves that you shouldn't always doubt doubt.

Well I am not sure if anything I have said here makes any sense....but if so....congratulations on your ability to decifer the indeciferable.

1 comment:

  1. On doubt. Today's Gospel reading was Jn 11:1-45, where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. It struck me that although most of the disciples were not crazy about going back to Judea. (There had been a near stoning of Jesus incident there recently.) Thomas was the one who said, "Let us also go and die with him." He may have had his own doubts and demands for proof, but he was willing to put everything on the line for Jesus. You and your doubt are in excellent company.
