Friday, October 16, 2009

There's wind in the air....huh?

October is here, bringing many new issues to life. Things like commercials with Christmas music in the background (really?) wishing that you could make a perfect apple pie with a flaky crust and not too runny...where are we having Thanksgiving...and wind.

I used to love the wind when I was a child....then I married and moved to a house in the middle of the woods on an island and I HATED the wind....currently the wind and I have an understanding....don't blow over 40mph and I won't freak out.

I don't think the wind likes our "deal" and it was trying to tell me so the other day in the Safeway parking lot. Somehow, the wind got it in it's head that it was going to blow my brand new wig off in front of everyone I know....but what the wind doesn't know is that I am too smart to fall for that and I hand!

Oh the wind was angry at that and the sides of my wig blew up and the back blew up and the bangs were everywhere but I fought the battle and won. I might have given it away tho' as I walked in the store and spent the next 5 minutes readjusting my hair.

I swear next time I am tying a string under my chin then wearing a big hat and sunglasses so no one knows it's me. Oh are good for me.

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