The weird weather we've been having and something I read last night inspired me to think about this today.
I think over the last few years I have become the queen of analogies and metaphors and word pictures....just trying to learn my lessons over here....trying not to waste what's been put in front of here comes word picture #147.....
We have all been through "Life's storms"....and if you haven't...brace yourself...
storm avoidance doesn't last forever...
Sometimes you hear it approaching from a distance and other times is a lightning strike right in front of you.
After a while the rain comes and it pours for days or months or years. Eventually the storm passes and you emerge to look around and survey what has happened and what you see surprises you....the grass is a deep shade of green, the flowers around you are blooming in vibrant colors...trees are laden with ripe fruit.....
All of this happened while you were dealing with the storm....what you didn't realize is that while the storm was pouring on you...your storm was also watering the people around you...providing for them encouragement to grow and bloom and make fruit(preferably peaches)...
Think about it.....that's all I'm asking.....