Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This morning I am so humbled. Wow I spelled humbled right the first time...yay me!
Words are kind of escaping me which is very rare I must say....
There is a passage in The Message Eph 3:20 that says...
"God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams. He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us."
I experienced that today...I have been frantically trying to find a good home for where he was loved and taught and given a purpose...secretly too I wanted to be able to go see him as he grew....I have such a crush on that boy it is ridiculous. Wow I am a spelling machine today...said the dyslexic to herself.

3 wonderful,amazing,fabulous women have called in the past 48 hours. The first is someone I met several years ago. Our paths crossed when we would happen to be working with, riding, or feeding our horses at the same time. She moved her horses to another pasture a few years ago and we have not talked much since then. Well she offered, out of the blue, to help with Forest...She offered to pick him up,care for him, train him to have basic manners with the halter and lead rope and to stand still etc..also to have the vet come out to geld him (sorry ladies...he's gorgeous I know but it's gotta be done.)

The next phone call was from my dear friend Ruth. She and her husband Jeff have spent time discussing lovable Forest and decided that they would like to have him!
When she told me my tear ducts went into overdrive. I love Ruth...I love Jeff...I love Forest...and I am so happy that they want him..after all, he was conceived in their back yard last year!

Then the 3rd call came last night....a very wonderful friend here in Anacortes...this woman has a schedule you wouldn't believe. She is caring for her invalid mother, she has twin boys(13) who are incredibly active in sports..she has a special needs daughter in her 20's who lives at home and doesn't drive...she has two horses that need her attention and two goats who want her attention and two dogs that sometimes forget to use the "outside" and two cats that keep her on her toes. She is also dealing with her own health issues as well...and she calls ME last night and offers to trailer Forest to Ruth's house...across the soon as he is ready to go.

I am so humbled, so thankful, so amazed, so speechless-ish.....far more than I could have asked or imagined.

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