I saw this and thought it was such an amazing picture. It is a picture of both the moon above and the sun below. It was taken at the North Pole. Santa's a lucky guy to have a view like this.
What it really made me think of though, just one day can make such a difference.
You may wonder why you haven't heard from me much lately.
Welllllll, I have been dealing with some issues....I have thought a little about "this" and ALOT about "that". And again,despite all the pondering, I came to the conclusion that this is all out of my control.
Oh we may think we have it until something falls apart, or the ferries stop running, or your child is sick and the Dr's have done all they can, or that you are now 4 inches shorter and insist that you can still reach the dinner plates without using a stool. I really like my stool though. My grandpa needle pointed it for me. He was a surgeon. I really miss him.
All that to say that someone is in control but it ain't me. So I added a few vitamins to my day and decided to choose life....for 5 minutes at a time....and enjoy every minute of it.