Today's subject is "small things". Small things are often small. How is that for insight?! Pretty good after only one cup of coffee. But....small things can be big as well. Here is an example.
Once upon a time a very nice girl was eating a sandwich which she ordered on 9 grain bread because she read online about the health benefits of whole grains. One of the tiny healthy grains in her bread became lodged between her teeth. She tried to swish it out with mouthfuls of her iced green tea, but it wouldn't budge. Finally she excused herself, went after it with some dental floss, which resulted in a broken tooth. This lead to a mandatory dental appointment and a new crown, costing this health conscious girl $800. Because of this expense she was unable to pay for her college classes where she was studying to become a teacher and change the lives of the children in her class, one of whom was little Billy, who was destined to become president, but because of the stupid grain in the 9 grain bread, is now bagging groceries at the Food Mart.
I have struggled with the small things lately. Somehow they weasel their way into your thoughts and change your whole frame of mind. This is not good. One of the biggest small thing that gets to me is when people misrepresent the truth. Those words find their way into my brain and then make their way to my belly where they tie my stomach in a knot.
So today I say loudly and with a relatively decent amount of confidence, "I WILL NOT LET THOSE LITTLE THINGS GET TO ME ANY LONGER. LIFE IS SIMPLY TOO SHORT AND IT JUST ISN'T GOING TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING" (loud cheering)
So my fellow blog readers, follow me to a land of freedom from small annoying things bothering you. Step with me into the land where only big things bother you and hopefully sooner rather than later we will step out of that land and into one where nothing bothers us because my dear readers...WE ARE LOVED! (giant cheering sounds including whistles)